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Integrated Circuits (Chips)

The WDC supplies a CMOS 65xx microprocessor family of microprocessors (MPU), microcontrollers (MCU), and microperipherals IC/Chips for your new designs as well as replacements for obsolete chips from our licensees. Please refer to our replacement notes on our Applications Guide page for some detailed help when replacing obsolete 65xx, 68xx, x86, 68K or 8051 family processors. Below is a brief description of each of our 65xx chips and a link to a quick reference page providing access to detailed information.

Customer Testimonial

Andre from SERCOM Regeltechniek b.v., says

"I like your quote "65xx - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow."
We have been using the 65xx-series for more than 20 years, and are still using the processor in our current models. We couldn't agree more!"

65xx Family of Chips

W65C02S 8-bit Microprocessor (MPU)

The W65C02S is a low power 8–bit microprocessor utilized in a vast array of products for the Automotive, Consumer, Industrial, and Medical markets. This chip features a full external data (8–bit) and address (16–bit) bus for easy integration with 8–bit peripherals and memory.

W65C816S 8/16–bit Microprocessor (MPU)

The W65C816S extends the 65xx technology family to handle 16–bit processing with a 16MB memory space while its emulation mode allows complete hardware and software compatibility with 64KB 6502 designs. The New Direct Register and stack relative addressing provides capability for re–entrant, re–cursive and re–locatable programming.

W65C134S 8–bit Microcontroller (MCU)

The W65C134S is a feature rich 8–bit microcontroller based on the W65C02 with an advanced (originally designed for life support) Serial Interface Bus (SIB) token passing local area network for multi–W65C134S processor systems. The W65C134S has a full external memory bus (8–bit data and 16–bit address bus) for flexible system design. This MCU has an embedded debug monitor ROM with a library of routines that can help you reduce development time.

W65C265S 8/16–bit Microcontroller (MCU)

The W65C265S is the 16–bit extension of the 65xx microcontroller family. Along with increasing the memory space to 16MB with a full external memory bus (8–bit data and 24 bit address bus) for flexible system design, the W65C265S includes 3 additional UARTs, increased GPIO, Parallel Interface Bus, twin tone generators (can perform DTMF signaling) and more. Similar to the W65C134S, the W65C265S has a built–in debug monitor ROM and libraries. A reference design with OS kernel, display, ToD, data communications and power management software is available directly from WDC to ease system development.

W65C21 8-bit Peripheral Interface Adapter (PIA)

The W65C21 Peripheral Interface Adapter (PIA), a flexible I/O device, has been used successfully with many different microprocessor families especially the 65xx, 68xx/68xxx and x86 microprocessors. Two program controlled 8–bit bi–directional (bit programmable) peripheral I/O ports allow direct interfacing between the microprocessor and selected peripheral units with manual or interrupt driven hand–shaking. The W65C21 is available in both CMOS and NMOS compatible versions

W65C22 8/16-bit Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA)

The W65C22S Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA) is a flexible I/O device similar to the W65C21. In addition to I/O, the W65C22 provides two programmable 16–bit Interval Timer/Counters with latches and synchronous serial interface shift register. The W65C22 is available in both CMOS and NMOS compatible versions.

W65C51N Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter (ACIA)

The WDC CMOS W65C51N Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter (ACIA) provides an easily implemented, program controlled interface between microprocessor based systems and serial communication data sets and modems.


©2003 - 2025 The Western Design Center, Inc.
2166 E. Brown Rd. Mesa, Arizona 85213
phone: 480 962-4545, fax: 480 835-6442

Last updated 01/05/2021
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