W65C21S Peripheral Interface Adapter (PIA)
Interface Signals Relationship
Features of the W65C21S
- 2 x 8−bit bidirectional I/O ports with individual data direction control
- Automatic "Handshake" control of data transfers
- 2 Interrupt outputs with program control
- Static to 14MHz operation, with high speed Port A, CA2 outputs
- 40 Pin Plastic Dip and 44 Pin Plastic PLCC versions
- 5V Power Supply
- Bus compatible with 14 MHz W65C02S and W65C816S
- Compatible with the 65xx and 68xx family of microprocessors
- Replacement for Motorola/Freescale / Rockwell / AMI / MOS Technology / MOSTEK /
HITACHI / ST Microelectronics / GTE / CMD, 6520, 6521, 6820, 6821, PIA′s
Quick Links
W65C21S6TPG–14 $7.50